brand new by the way

In December 2005 I left my job as a software developer...In January I will be going to Thailand to do some voluntary work at an orphanage for disabled children (see ccd/For Life links) are some of my thoughts and experiences...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The dogs

In Thailand there are LOADS of stray dogs...apparently people feed them - I think it's got something to do with them being sacred in Buddhism...that doesn't explain the number of times I've seen them being kicked, but never mind...

Anyway, during the day you don't get any problems from them - probably because it's too hot for them to be bothered chasing you...after a certain time though they do become pretty aggressive and it's not unusual to be chased by a few of them down the road - especially if you're on a bike...I haven't been bitten myself but a couple of the other volunteers have so they're not as harmless as I thought.

As you can probably imagine, a lot of them aren't in the best of condition...this one though, that we saw on a trip with the guys to the Wat, is by far the most disgusting one I've seen! I don't know how it was still walking...


  • At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm sure I saw Paris Hilton with that hairless mut in Heat the other week (Anna buys it... honest)


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