Dream World
We had 2 from Rachawadee Boys (Rachanook and Nung) and I think they really enjoyed themselves.

They couldn't go on all of the rides (not that there were that many) but I made sure we got them on the log flume which was excellent - we got absolutely soaked...it was actually pretty bad planning, cos straight afterwards we went to Snow Town and nearly froze to death! I didn't get any decent pictures - with the frostbite and all...
One of the girls we took is called Kanok Tip...she's been adopted by Mae Tim (who's the head teacher at Rachawadee Girls) and I just wanted to put a picture of her on the blog cos she is just so cute! She can't physically smile because she doesn't have the muscles in her face to do so - so it can be quite difficult, when you're playing with her, to work out if she's enjoying it or not...it's really funny when she's running around, obviously having a great time, with a completely deadpan expression on her face...
So anyway, this time next week I'll be back in Blighty...I guess it won't sink in until I'm actually there...a part of me is happy to be coming home (there's no place like it afterall) so I can catch up with everyone - especially the new wee man in the family. And in many ways what I've been doing out here feels like it has run its course...there have been some internal politics within the organisation that I'm pretty tired of to be honest so it's nice to be able to get away from all of that...I know though that it is going to be pretty emotional when I finally say goodbye to the boys...the whole 6 months have been a fantastic experience but without doubt the best thing has been the boys I have been working with and the relationships I have formed with them...a few of them have already told me that they'll miss me and the feeling is very much mutual...
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